Tuesday, 27 October 2020



Motivation is crucial for good performance of employee in any sector and therefore it is increasingly important to study what motivates employees for better performance. It is said that one of the important functions of human resource manager is to ensure job commitment at the workplace, which can only be achieved through motivation (Petcharak, 2002).



Motivation is defined as “a human psychological characteristic that add to a person’s degree of commitment. It is the management process of in ‚nuancing employees’ behavior” (Badu, 2005).

Conversely, Bartol and Martin (1998) relate motivation to the force that stimulates behavior, provide direction to behavior, and underlies the tendency to prevail. In other words, individuals must be sufficiently stimulated and energetic, must have a clear focus on what is to be achieved, and must be willing to commit their energy for a long period of time to realize their aim in order to achieve goals.

However, other than motivation being a force that stimulates behavior, Vroom (1964) emphasized on the ‘voluntary actions. Supported by Steers et al. (2004), Vroom (1964) defined motivation as “a process governing choice made by persons among alternative forms of voluntary activity.” Similarly, Kreitner and Kinicki (2004) assumed that motivation incorporate those psychological processes that create the arousal, direction and persistence of voluntary actions that are goal oriented.

Quite differently from the other definitions, Locke and Latham (2004) identified that motivation influence people’s acquisition of skills and the extent to which they use their ability. According to the authors “the concept of motivation refers to internal factors that impel action and to external factors that can act as inducements to action. Motivation can affect both the acquisition of people’s skills and abilities; and also, the extent to which they utilize their skills and abilities” (Locke and Latham, 2004).

Different authors have put forward the concept of motivation differently but these definitions have three common aspects when carefully studied, that is, they are all principally concerned with factors or events that stimulate, channel, and prolong human behavior over time.

Figure 1: 03 Main Components of Motivation

(Source: Nandy, 2019)

The degree of each of these components of motivation can impact whether or not to achieve goal. Strong activation, for example, means that are more likely to start pursuing a goal. Persistence and intensity will determine to keep working toward that goal and how much effort to devote to reaching it.


Types of Motivation

Different types of motivation are frequently described as being either extrinsic or intrinsic (Deci and Ryan,1985) and as illustrated in figure 2.0

Intrinsic motivation

Intrinsic motivation occurs when we act without any obvious external rewards. We simply enjoy an activity or see it as an opportunity to explore, learn, and actualize our potentials. Intrinsic motivation occurs when we act without any obvious external rewards. We simply enjoy an activity or see it as an opportunity to explore, learn, and actualize our potentials ( Coon & Mitterer, 2010).

Intrinsic motivations Means “doing something because it is inherently interesting or enjoyable” (Deci and Ryan, 1985).

Extrinsic motivation

Extrinsic motivation refers to our tendency to perform activities for known external rewards, whether they be tangible (e.g., money) or psychological (e.g., praise) in nature (Brown, 2007).

Extrinsic motivations Means “doing something because it leads to a superable outcome” (Deci and Ryan, 1985).   

Figure 2.0: Factors of Extrinsic Motivation Intrinsic motivation            


Intrinsic motivation

Achievement        Growth

Acceptance            Independence

Power                   Change


Extrinsic Motivation


Benefit Packages



(Source: Maharjan, 2018)

List of References

Cole, GM 2004, Management Theory and Practice, vol.6, Cengage learning EMEA, Boston, Massachusetts.

Korzynski, P 2013, Employee motivation in new working environment. International Journal of Academic Research, 5(5), pp.184-188.

Pinder, CC 2008,  Work Motivation in Organizational Behaviour. London: Psychology Press.

Rybnicek, R, Bergner, S and Gutschelhofer, A 2017, How an individual needs to influence motivation effects: Department of Corporate Leadership and Entrepreneurship, University of Graz, Austria.

Weitz, B, Sujan, H and Sujan, M 1986, Knowledge, Motivation, and Adaptive Behavior: A Framework for Improving Selling Effectiveness. Journal of Marketing, 50(4), pp.174-191.


  1. Employee motivation is linked directly to employee performance. When speaking about the banking sector, the success of the organization is reflected by the hard work of the employees. To quote Tileston,2004,”Motivation is the drive to do something”. No two individuals are the same as they perceive the same thing in different ways. Motivating employees has been a tough task for managers for if the expectations of the employees are not met can result in turnover, absenteeism etc. The managers are solely responsible when it comes to employee motivation, they should be capable in giving their employees reasons to believe in themselves. One of the main reasons behind dissatisfaction and demotivation is that the management fails to recognize the driving force of the employees.

    1. Regardless of the size or the capacity, keeping a constant progress throughout the organisation is proven to be challenging in this highly competitive era (Manzoor, 2011). Further he suggests, to face the challenges of influencing and persuading employee towards task fulfilment, a strong and positive relationship between employees and the organisation should be established and maintained.

  2. Hi Janaka, Knowledge and understating the process of motivation will help HR professionals to reach their goal of motivated employees. It is a continuous cycle of Goal, Action and Need. Motivation is triggered by a conscious or unconscious recognition of an unsatisfied need. This need is then converted to a goal and action taken, which expects to achieve the goal. If the goal is achieved, then the need is satisfied, and the behavior repeated when a similar need emerges. Organizations can adopt this model to set goals that most likely to meet the needs and expectation of employees that will encourage behavior required to achieve these goals. However, there is a vital point to keep in mind; that needs are diverse, and goals and actions will differ from person to person and on situation, hence it cannot be assumed that one approach will appeal to all. Therefore, the practices and policies that organization implement to motivate employees must recognize that each employee is different (Armstrong, 2008).

    1. If an organisation’s HRM policy and practices are based on following principals then that organisation can have a competent advantage by having motivated employees. The following list of principals are taken and compiled from the original literature of Maslow (1954), Jerome (2013), MacGregor (2003), (Mawere, et al., 2016) and Adiele and Abraham (2013).

      1. HRM policy always should be Individual basis.

      2. Cultural influence on basic and safety needs should be addressed.

      3. Lower need levels should be satisfied to higher percentage before fulfilling upper levels.

      4. Constant and adequate fulfilment of needs is mandatory.

      5. An employee should be enrolled in a job which is fit for him.

  3. Hi Janaka, agree that organizations should be more initiative, attentive and persuasive when it comes to practicing the process of motivation and holding up to its components. The extent to which an organization usher in, the factors of its task/general and internal environments casted by the culture itself, determines the positive or negative impact on its employee's process of motivation; hence human resource management strategies should articulate a coherent pathway to the ultimate safety of the latter.

    1. Human resource managers and organizational development practitioners should focus on the culture, design and environmental factors which foster the job involvement of the employees. The direct relation exist between Motivation and employee’s Commitment and motivation have two determinants job involvement and incentives both shows the direct and positive correlation with one another(Nadeem et al, 2013).

  4. Motivation is the strength and direction of behaviour and the factors that influence people to behave in certain ways. People are motivated when they expect that a course of action is likely to lead to the attainment of a goal and a valued reward one that satisfies their needs and wants (Armstrong, 2014). Most employees need motivation to feel good about their jobs and perform optimally. Motivation levels within the workplace have a direct impact on employee productivity (Mansaray, 2019).

    1. Pınar Güngör (2011) says “Motivation is the competency or capability of a person to change behavior”.Motivation is a driven force that leads and directed a person toward some specific goals. Employee commitment can improve the performance of an organization but some time it is not delivering the benefit in many cases like when organization not given them the incentives and involve them in their jobs.

  5. Hi Janaka, I agree with Himasha comment, Motivation is the power that energizes, directs, and sustains behaviour. High performance is achieved by well-motivated individuals who are willing to try at will (Armstrong, 2014, 170).

    1. Employee Motivation – Key element for organisational success “Focus on being productive not being busy.”- Tim Ferris

  6. Hi Janaka,I would like to add some extra point to your explanation of Intrinsic motivation. It includes main three forms. the first one is Intrinsic motivation can occur from job satisfaction. As you mentioned it is a source of providing enjoyable experience. Second one is it is matter of meeting standards for own sake such as ethical standards to reject violence, use professional codes of practices. The third form of Intrinsic motivation comes from achieving personal goals such as getting experiences, improving skills and knowledge. (Frey & Osterloh , 2001 )

    1. The journal of Contemporary Educational Psychology defines intrinsic motivation as doing “an activity for its inherent satisfaction rather than for some separable consequence. When intrinsically motivated, a person is moved to act for the fun or challenge entailed rather than because of external products, pressures, or rewards.”

  7. According to author Arnold, there are 3 components of motivation: direction is what a person is trying to do. effort is how hard a person is trying. persistence is how long a person keeps on trying (Arnold 2014).

    1. Paraphrasing Gredler, Broussard and Garrison (2004) broadly define motivation as “the attribute that moves us to do or not to do something”

  8. Motivation is considered a key driver of performance because it is linked to numerous benefits at work (Pinder, 2008).From my experience in the banking sector, bank should forces on more Intrinsic motivation factors due to the current situation in the market. Due to the profit decline in the banking sector banks ability to give Extrinsic Motivation will be reduce. For an example the bonuses will be reduce for the next year.

    1. According to Manzoor (2012), a several organizations believe that the employees are its main asset and they will lead to organizational growth.

  9. Motivation is the inner drive or power that pushes and gives you the strength to accomplish your goal. Motivation is driven by two things desire and ambition, when someone wants to achieve something or reach a certain goal, without these two things desire and ambition one will lacks motivation. Motivation is needed everywhere weather it’s to become rocket scientist or just get out of bed in the morning, matter how big or small the task. People with motivation have a clear sight and understanding of what they want and will don’t everything in their power to achieve it because of their fixed desire, confidence, and faith in the ability. So it is clear that to succeed in anything motivation is very important. (Remez Sasson, 2014)

    1. Management should implement new work environment and modern communication system to improve employee’s motivation and productivity. Focus on new generation therefor, organization need to arrange product and online training's for young and modern employees to retain them (Korzynski, 2013).Management should give freedom to carry out activities as a result, it generate higher performance and increase business performance.

  10. According to Cardoso, Dominguez and Paiva (2015), In construction Industry all motivational perceptions are applicable to the construction managers and also impact to the profession eagerness. The Shurrab Mohammed, Abbasi and Khazaleh (2018), study evaluated the influence of six motivational dimensions such as personal collaboration, assignment, working environments, authorization, personal development, and compensation on construction project managers' motivation.

    1. Employees are the main asset in any organization. For this reason, management has to implement different motivation factors to increase productivity (Dugguh, 2014).

  11. Recent research conducted by Srivasta and Bhatia (2013), in the banking sector they have identified that the top five motivational factors as job satisfaction, promotions/expectations, recognition, good pay, and styles of organization/management and also it revealed that the top motivator among prospective workers today is job satisfaction. Job satisfaction of bank officers is related to various variables such as age, occupational level, size of the organization, organizational climate, educational qualifications, economic background, size of the family, and gender (Kamal and Sengupta, 2018).

    1. According to Chaudhry and Javed (2012), Implementation of Correct leadership style and method increase the turnover rate of any organization further, leadership style is good for the employees to increase their motivation level.

  12. Sandra Wood (2018) suggests, instead, you’re looking for a combination of the two. Search for intrinsically-motivated people and make sure they work on tasks that they care about. Offer extrinsic motivation as a reward for completing tasks and exceeding expectations.

    1. Employee motivation can be defined as the drive which lead the employees towards success while contributing vastly towards the growth of the organization (Nduka , 2016). According to Hughes, (2012)

  13. Hi Janaka, Adding more practical inputs, Most employees need motivation to feel good about their jobs and performance optimally. Some are money motivated and others find recognition and rewards personally motivating. Motivation levels within the organization have a direct impact on employee productivity(Ganta,2014).

    1. Thank You, The bases upon which business sustainability and competitiveness can be built have fundamentally shifted from tangible to intangible resources. In particular, knowledge-based resources, capabilities and competencies reflected in an organization’s intellectual capital are increasingly defining today’s “knowledge economy” . Therefore, organizations are turning their focus to their human, intellectual, knowledge management and information system resources in recognition of their vital role as a driving force behind their success and the sustainability of their competitive advantage, and encouraging innovation practices (Duncan, 2010)

  14. Hi Janaka, Going further, The motivation seems to continue to conceal secrets for (too) many employers, while the polls with the employees hired in big companies certainly demonstrate that they are not motivated in accordance with the contribution they bring to the company(Jenson, 2010).

    1. Thank you, True, Highly motivated employees focus their efforts on achieving specific goals. But It’s the manager’s job, therefore, to motivate employees to get them to try to do the best job they can. Motivated employees call in sick less frequently, are more productive, and are less likely to convey bad attitudes to customers and coworkers (Medoc, 2007)

  15. Lewis and Frank (2002) found an elusive difference: respondents who give importance to high income are more likely to prefer private sector employment but less likely to work for the public sector. The unique employees’ rewards, motivation and job satisfaction helps to create unique (Boxall and Purcell 2003) and vibrant capabilities level to drive competitiveness for public and private organizations (Cappelliand Crocker-Hefner 1999).Board (2007), described that tangible incentives are effective in increasing performance for work assignment that not completed before and encourage effectively thinking which assist both quality and quality in achieving goals. Incentives, rewards and recognition are the major aspects that influence on employee motivation. Today employees are involved in their working activities which are for their benefits and feel intrinsic motivation in their behaviours as their activities are enjoyable and satisfactory (Vansteenkiste 2005).

    1. Adding on to your comment. Motivated workers feel they are empowered to continue working, their credentials were positively related and largely related to the organization's commitment (Venkatesh and Kulkarni,2002).

  16. Hi Janaka, Adding to your content, employee motivation is very important for organizations as every concern requires physical, financial and human resources to accomplish the goals. It is through motivation that the human resources can be utilized by making full use of it. This can be done by building willingness in employees to work. This will help the enterprise in securing best possible utilization of resources. It results into increase in productivity, reducing cost of operations, and improving overall efficiency (Shazadi et al, 2014).

    1. Organizations need to encourage employee initiatives and participation as this will help build leadership at different levels. For leadership roles formal authority is not the criteria but the initiatives and innovation are. Employee’s at all the level can choose to act as a leader if given an opportunity and this further helps motivating and influencing other employees (Jeffrey et al, 2011).

  17. Employees are the main asset in any organization. For this reason, management has to implement different motivation factors to increase productivity (Dugguh, 2014). According to Manzoor (2012), a several organizations believe that the employees are its main asset and they will lead to organizational growth. Coyle-Shapiro and Shore (2007), stated organization has great relationship with employees further, the both parties exchange the benefits and they trust each other.

    1. Employees are not only our most important assets but also usually
      our most expensive assets. Companies need to make sure that they are utilizing their employees efficiently. In general, companies aim to deliver more revenue with fewer employees. This would demonstrate that a company is finding ways to squeeze more revenue out of each of its workers (MARR, 2012).

  18. Motivation can be defined as the direction and persistence of action (Armstrong, 2007). Motivation is a psychological process in human beings which consciously put them in to achieve their needs or created needs by performing a specific task (Maslow, 1970).

    1. Yes Shenali,human motivation is defined as the psychological force that generates complex cycles of goal-directed thought and behavior. Such thought and behavior is ultimately directed toward the achievement of the fundamental goal of inclusive fitness (Bernard, Mills, Swenson & Walsh, 2005).


  Effects of Motivation on the Performance of Employees in the banking Sector The motivation of a bank’s employee plays a major role in ac...